
Showing posts from 2025

Sunday chores Chronicled

A quick Sunday post with nothing of real substance because its been a day of house repairs around here -plumbing and caulking.  How do two sinks in different rooms develop issues at the same time? Demons...  My, er, reward was a clearance pack of 2021 Panini Chronicles Football. Timely I reckon for week 18.  The pack wrapper had a huge ugly clearance sticker on it, so no picture.   Here are the base cards, The base cards are quite decent. Nice layout and good card stock. Here are the inserts, Uninspiring. Enjoy the games today!!

A disconnected day

  I had high hopes for yesterday. The day to myself as I was the only one with the day off in this household. Go get a haircut, perhaps research and write a little, do some card stuff. The haircut happened alright. The internet was spotty when I left the house but upon my return I learned it was a full-on outage. Somebody somewhere cut a fiber optic cable. No research was gonna happen. Let’s do card stuff, surely they'll get it fixed quickly.  So, I grabbed a 3200-count box of mixed baseball cards from the card storage room. We label the boxes as “NP”, Not Processed, and the date they enter the house. I thumbed through and pulled the pre-1994 cards out first. The stack of 1995 Bazooka was an easy pile to extract to get them out of the way.  Yes , I do have a few - not many - “junk” sets still not completed. I don’t really care for the term junk. I prefer Over Production Era but OPE hasn’t really caught on. Ok, I'm ready to check my collection and add missing cards t...