Buying lots on TCDB - Part 2

Happy Groundhog Day, if you celebrate it.

Today we have the culmination of the TCDB lot purchase we started yesterday

These are all set build cards unlike yesterday which was Blue Jay team set heavy. Good progress was made but nothing gets me over the finish line though.

2019 A&G is down to 12 to go. 

The same for 20 A&G, a dozen to go. I am not sure why but I still keep chipping away at Capstone. 

2020 Archives got a lot of help here. 8 to go. The seemingly random GPK are 1986's. I like to pick up vintage non-sports when available cheap. 

My love of artsy cards extends into football as well. the 2014 Topps Valor is such a nice set. 80% done. I had never seen these cards until they were the Random Card of the Day a couple of years ago on TCDB so I ordered a hobby box right away. Damn nice cards. 

The 2012 Ignite set is down to one card. Next COMC order should finish this. 

There had to be some vintage included. Here are the few that were available that hit the wantlist. These are very slow set builds. The 1972 is getting close minus the high numbers. A "short set" it shall be. The scarcity and prices will prevent a full set ever being mine. 

Two more TCDB lot purchases are in transit and at the mercy of the postal services. I have faith.


It seems there is mixed opinions from the noteworthy rodents on early spring or more winter. I don't know which one to trust. All I know is it's cold and snowy right now. Here's a cool summer pick me up song by The Ataris


Thanks for reading and keep collecting. 


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