Archives auto hit and some Buffalo culture

While watching the Bills hang on to a win I had to rip the Archives blaster I picked up the other day. I'll get to that in a moment. I think the game against KC is going to be a close one. I'm not a fan of either team, nor am I a hater, but if I have to choose a team to root for it will be Go Bills!

Now to the business at hand, seven packs of eight cards. Here's what we got,

The expected four black parallels. A decent mix of players. Not too shabby.

Next the three expected inserts. NO there is not a pink parallel of these. That's my scanner behaving badly. Good god, I will need to work on some settings. 

And here we have a very unexpected auto! Sweet!

Checking all of the usual places I cannot find pack odds for these. As of yesterday some sites were still listing the odds as TBA. Others did not even have them listed yet. If anyone knows please add in the comments below. 

My overall take on this product is Topps Archives has been a little more casual in their "tribute" to the originals and that's ok by me. It's a fun product. We can leave historical accuracy (or close to it) to Heritage. 

I have several older Archives sets that are close to completion, but this new set will get a pass for now. It just feels way to late to get excited about. Hell, 2025 flagship is going to drop soon. 


Every now and again I will talk about music that brings back fond memories or I just really like. I hope you will enjoy some of my picks.  

A song by The Goo Goo Dolls came on the radio while I was sorting and scanning these Archives cards. Buffalo is the birthplace of two members of the band and the third grew up there. Sure hope they are rooting for the Bills.

When I first heard "Name" in the fall of 1995 I loved it. To this day when it's playing I stop to listen. Really listen. 

You can learn more about the story behind the song, Here

Thanks for reading and keep collecting.


  1. Always great pulling an auto! Added you to my blogroll, but I've been having trouble with Blogger with my follow button.

  2. Nice! This year's Archives doesn't really do it for me but that doesn't mean I can't buy a blaster or two.

    And one of them had the same kind of autograph (western themed) - Lawrence Butler.


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