Soccer mystery box rip

 It has been a busy week at the day job and that has not left much time for cards this week. And now I'm getting "the look" and that means I have broken the rule. No leaving unprocessed cards laying around. Let's fix that with a quick post.

A little something different today, soccer. I went to the card aisle looking for the newly released Archives. Nada. This is what I walked out with though, 

It was surprisingly cheap. Perhaps mis-priced?

Perhaps it was priced appropriately. Clearly the Prizm blasters didn't sell well with this many packs dumped into re-packs. Here's what we got,

This was a quick cheap rip. I am not familiar with these players but as I enter these to my TCDB collection I'll research as I go.

If there is anything you see that you must have, drop me a note (see profile). If you need any base cards of the Prizm and Donruss let me know and I will check what I got from these packs. 

As always, thanks for reading and keep collecting.


  1. Cool pickup, especially if cheap. You got some cool cards in the bundle, especially the Zero-Gravity card. I had never seen that design before.


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