Three sports, three hanger packs

Shoppers today seemed a little crankier today while waiting for the poor cashiers to do their thankless jobs. It's contagious. I was getting cranky listening to the crankiness, so I wandered away form the cart and Mrs. TnT.  

Our store has two card sections, and I ended up at the display nearest the front of the store. Here they have the clearance packs, the odd new packs, but mostly the stuff no one wants anymore. 

I could see the look of disdain in her eyes as three packs were placed at the driver's end of the cart. What? I silently said. 

I don't remember if I had opened any of these Chronicles packs. It's hard to keep track. Let's see how this twenty bucks did. First up, basketball.

Interesting, but meh. Football time,


Archives time,

Nothing spectacular. I guess my mini hot streak is over. 

What did this twenty bucks get me. It gave me an escape even if it was for only a little while. 

Thanks for reading and keep collecting. Let's try to keep positive. 


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