No Topps, so Squishmallows it is
While collectors around the continent are devouring Topps Series One our town has not been on the receiving end from the distributors of retail boxes in any great quantity. Two weeks ago -Friday mornings- the big box got some blasters. Knowing the display area as intimately as I do it couldn't have been anymore than a dozen blasters. By the time I got there two days later they were all gone. And no display space was allocated for hanger boxes so that wasn't even in their plan. This past Sunday the same blaster display spot was still/again empty. At the front of store candy display where loose packs are kept a small pile of jumbo packs was there for the picking. I grabbed one. I will not bore you with a big pack opening post. It was a pile of meh . Very underwhelming product this year. I may wait for a factory set. But...I did get Panini Squishmallows. Cheap blasters for sure, but what are they? From Wiki , "Squishmallows is a brand of stuffed toy that was launched in 2...