The middle years of a TCDB buy

Last time here we looked at the early years of a decent lot I purchased from a member of TCDB. Now we will look at the "middle years", 2003 to 2010. 

I didn't buy cards at all during these years. My store closed 1996 and I was kinda done with cards. Who am I kidding, I was done!

There were no more Score and Pinnacle brand cards and Fleer was heading to the exit as well. What a shame! It wasn't too long before it was just Topps and Upper Deck as the big boys of the biz. And boy did they pump out the sets in this time period. 

Let's begin,

Blue Jays and set help here. I'm getting close on 2003 Upper Deck Victory and First Pitch. 

A few inserts mixed into this grouping. 

I just don't like the layout of the 2005 Donruss Champions. The wasted space and weird layout does not do it for me. But as a team collector you gotta do what you gotta do. 

No big hits in this week's show and tell. The best we have is the Halladay Ultra Gold which is numbered out 999 and the BJ Ryan 2008 Upper Deck Gold that is out of 99. The texture of the 2006 Ovation grabbed me so I have decided I would chip away at this set. 

Lots of Blue Jay binder filler in the last two groups. 

That's it for today. The final post in this series will wrap up with the modern and the shiny. 

Thanks for reading!


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